A clean house, All animals, Art, Avocados,
Babies, Baths, Beads, Beethoven, Bills that are payed, Books,
Camping, Celtic Woman (the group), Cheese, Chocolate, Chomping on ice,
Church, Classical music, Crafts, Crystals, Cuddling, Culture,
Dancing, Dave, Daydreaming, Debussy, Dvorak
Enya, Everyone, Exploring,
Family, Fire, Flowers, Flying, Fresh air, Friends, Fresh Fruit,
Gardens, Geology, Giving, Grieg, Guacamole,
Happiness, Helping, Hiking, History,
Ice skating, indigo blue,
Jane Austin stories, Jumping on trampolines,
Languages, Laughter, Learning, Less stress, Limeade,
Maraschino cherries, Marzipan, Mexican food, Moon, Mountains, Music,
Natural remedies, Nature,
Obedience, Oil painting, Olives,
Pasta, People watching, Pistachios, Pizza, Plants, Playing the piano,
Reading, Red, Rivers,
Salads, Sauteed mushrooms, School, Science, Singing, Sleep, Snow, Smiles,
Tart candy, Temples, The Savior, Tomatoes, Traveling, Trees,
Valentines Day, Visiting friends,
Walks, Weddings, Wisdom, Work, Writing,
Yacking (not the throw-up kind, mind you),
“No Eat! No Grow! Shout!
7 years ago
Okay, "The Savior" was TOTALLY cheating! And where is your Y? No yaks you particularily like? How about Yellow? Or Yesterday? Or Yukon? Or Young, Brigham? Or Yelling? Or Yodeling? Or Yellow squash? Or Yay! ? or Yoo hoo? Or Yahoo? Or Yippe! ?
Oops! I guess I had too many interruptions and forgot that one. Thanks for catching that! :) I'd have to say Yacking, as in talking a lot.
Boy, that's what I get for trying to do a "quick" post. When I went to add in the "y" I noticed that the title was messed up too. (Of course I saw a few other things as well, but I am too tired to fix them all right now.)
I always end up seing things I messed up on in my posts when I read them again! Darn it! Oh well, since this isn't the NY Times and you are all either family or friends, I'll just ask for your forgiveness instead if that's alright with you. :)
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