Most of us have had many callings in life and in church. Some of them easy, some of them not so easy. Up until my current calling (Bear leader for Cub Scouts), I would have said that being Primary Chorister was the funnest thing I have ever done in the church. I just loved seeing those cute little faces get all animated and work so hard.
Being Primary Chorister wasn't all that easy though. It took a lot of work and preparation to do things the way I felt I should. Perhaps the reward was greater because of all the work that went into it, I'm not sure. I do know that my mission worked under that same sort of principle though. Being a mother seems to follow suit too.

For the time being, I am more than happy being the Bear leader for our ward. Those 9 year old boys sure can be a lot of fun, not to mention easy to entertain. I love it! My calling isn't really hard though, in that is doesn't require tons of preparation. Yet, somehow I still seem to reap the same sort of blessings and satisfaction from it. Perhaps it is because I give it my all. Who knows? What I do know is that it is a sacrifice for me to fulfil my duties. (They aren't hard or time consuming, but considering all that I have going on in my life, I don't think I could handle much more.) So, maybe there are some other principles at hand that I haven't quite figured out yet. All I do know for sure is that this is my favorite calling and I'm grateful for the things that it teaches me.